Tickbet Kenya tickbet.ke


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Tickbet Kenya nikampuni mpya ya kubeti hapa nchini Kenya ambapo unaweza kubeti bure. Yani ukijisajili kwa Mara ya kwanza huhitaji kuweka pesa Bali utawekewa kiasi kadhaa kila siku kwaajili ya kuweka mkeka wako kila siku. Kiasi hicho Cha kubeti bure Kenya utakipokea kwenye account yako kila asubuhi.


Jinsi ya kujiunga Tickbet Kenya
Ili uweze kufungua account ya tickbet Kenya unatakiwa kutembelea tovuti ya tickbet Kenya www.tickbet.ke na kujaza taarifa Muhimu za kujisajili Kama vile namba yako ya simu na nywila/au password yako.

Jinsi ya kuweka na kutoa pesa tickbet
Ili uweze kutoa fedha kwenye account yako ya tickbet Kenya unatakiwa kuingia kwenye account yako na kuingia sehemu ya Deposit au withdraw na kufuata Hatua rahisi ambapo muamala utaingi kwenye simu yako.

Paybil ya tickbet Kenya ni 300336

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Every new registered player gets instant Karibu free bet after the registration is completed. To get the bonus you need to register an account and confirm the registration.

1.Every new player gets a Karibu free bet of 50 ksh irrespective whether they have deposited or not.

2. Karibu free bet expires after 24 hours if NOT claimed.

3. Maximum winning for this offer is 150 ksh.

4. Using the free bet amount one must place a MULTIBET on at least 5 games with minimum odds of 1.5 per game.

5. Bets will only count towards wagering requirements once they have been finally settled, at which point it will be deducted from your bonus wagering requirements.

6. Void, Cancelled, Cashed Out bets or bets placed with a Free Bet will not contribute towards wagering requirements.

7. The bonus amount and any associated winnings will be transferred from your ‘sport bonus balance’ to your ‘sport cash balance’ once wagering is complete, enabling them to be withdrawn.

8. Multiple bets placed on the same event will not count towards wagering requirements and also could be considered as bonus manipulation resulting in the removal of your bonus and associated winnings. 

9. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with, or contribute to the eligibility for, any other promotion.

10. Tickbet reserve the right to withhold or retract any bonus or winnings generated if the bonus was mistakenly credited or patterns of abuse are found.

11. Tickbet reserves the right to suspend, modify or cancel this promotion at any stage without prior notice. 

12. Any abuse of this bonus which results in guaranteed profit, or any use in arbitrage betting patterns, will result in the bonus and associated winnings being removed from your account.

13. If suspected abuse is determined by Tickbet team, their decision is final and binding. By accepting this bonus, you agree to this term.

Source www.tickbet.ke

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